Fine carpentry and laser technology in a wonderful combination – Trotec Speedy 400

November 21 2024
Laser machine - Trotec Speedy 400 - Case story

Table of Contents


    In the heart of Östergötland we find Brödernas Finsnickeri, a company founded by the two brothers Viktor and Oskar. Their passion for fine carpentry began as a shared hobby, but over time the idea of ​​turning their interest into something bigger grew. With an entrepreneurial spirit in their blood and a previous renovation of an old church, they knew they had the potential to create something more. We spoke to Viktor to hear how choosing the Trotec Speedy 400 is an important part of achieving their dream of turning their interest into a full-scale business.   

    Solution and results

    At the beginning of 2023, the idea of ​​acquiring a laser machine to expand their creative possibilities came to mind, and they were finally faced with the choice of a Trotec Speedy 400 and a laser machine from another supplier.

    "We want the best.” says Viktor with a smile and the choice landed on Trotec.

    With Trotec Speedy 400 they were given the opportunity to take their interest to a whole new level. Now they could combine their skilled fine carpentry with the precision and versatility that laser technology offered. Suddenly they could offer products that they had not been able to before. The Brothers' laser workshop was now up and running.

    From creating decorative signs and laser engraving all types of materials to designing an impressive 150 m2 large backdrop for the Royal Opera, created from laser-cut foam with different patterns, the brothers show that no project is too big or too small.

    "With Trotec we have been given the tools to fully realize our visions. We have been able to take on more advanced projects and at the same time be able to offer our customers fast delivery.” Viktor says enthusiastically.

    Customer review

    The installation of Trotec was quick and easy, and there were no problems getting to grips with Ruby, the ultimate design software that enables daily work with the laser machine to run smoothly. You can create graphics, photos and text elements and make quick adjustments directly in the program.

    Future plans

    Now Viktor and Oskar dream of investing in more Trotec machines with the opportunity to expand their business. For Brödernas Finsnickeri, this is just the beginning of their journey. With Trotec by their side, the future is filled with exciting opportunities and an endless potential for creativity and innovation.

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